Burundi: Abuse, impunity, and sexual violence

Women and girls are nearly four times more likely than men to experience sexual violence in Burundi. Survivors endure a culture of silence and impunity around sex-related crimes that further threatens their fragile situation.

Nearly one in four Burundian women (23%) and 6% of men have experienced sexual violence, and children are particularly at risk. Only a small percentage of sex-related incidents are reported, so the actual number is likely much higher.

Survivors in this East African nation typically don’t report rape and sexual assault. Some fear reprisal by the perpetrator or negative reactions from their families. Most don’t know where and how to get help, living in rural communities where quality health and psycho-social support are virtually non-existent. Few victims get the care they need to heal physically and emotionally.

Though the road to recovery for survivors of sexual violence and abuse is long, particularly in a country where psychological support is relatively unknown, the Giriteka project is working to reverse the harmful, life-long physical and psychological consequences of trauma for women and girls.